My name is Flor Artigas and I am 33 years old. I´ve been married for almost 11 years, and I have two daughters. Daniela is 9 years old and Katia is 7. I was born in Torreón, Coahuila Mexico. I studied elementary, middle and high school at the Colegio Americano de Torreón and then I went to Perugia, Italy to study a Montessori Course and lived there for one year. It was a great experience learning about a diffrent culture and language, as well as to live and take care of myself.
When I came back to Torreón I work with deaf children, what I really like to do! I work there for 4 years and then I became a mom. I relly enjoy being a mom, sometimes it has been hard becasue my two girls were premature and I needed to learn a lot of things, but I am so glad to be a mom. What I like to do during my spare time is to spend time with my family and friends. We usually go out for a picnic during the weekends.
One of the things that I want to accomplish or do is to study and learn more about children with special needs such as deaf children, blind children, autism and brain paralysis. I really love to work and help this children.