I was born in Torreon Coahuila, Mexico. I had always lived here with my family. I had studied all my life and graduated from high school at Colegio Americano de Torreon. The funniest situation is that I became a kindergarten teacher and I´m working at the same school. I have been working at Colegio Americano for more than 16 years. If we add these years to the years I’ve been at school as a student (12 years) it will be 28 years in total. Wow, I’m amazed of all the years that I have spent learning and teaching at the same place. Maybe it is time to take a big step and do something different, but I really love what I do.
Every school year for me is like a new opportunity to learn, teach, and explore. It is like a second chance in life where you have to do your best with new challenges to accomplish, and the best of all is the opportunity to start all over again with new students and different situations to solve.
This year I will finish my master degree in Science Education from SUNNY University. This has been a great challenge for me, but I´m almost getting to finish my goal and that makes me very happy and proud. I really thought that I couldn’t do it but here I am almost finishing this goal.
I married a wonderful man. This year we will celebrate our 15th anniversary. I have two beautiful daughters (That study at Colegio Americano of Torreon). The oldest is 12 years old and the youngest is 9 years old. In my spare time I love going to the movie theaters, swim, read my mails, and spend time with my friends, and family.
My day dream is being able to become a better teacher, mother and wife; I will also love to share all my experience and knowledge to other future kindergarten teachers. I will be delighted to share my opinions and theories to new generations.