Carmen Rocío Castillo

Contact Info:
School: MCSchool, Dominican Republic

About Me:
My name is Carmen Rocío Castillo González. I was born in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. I live with my 7 years old daughter, Camila, and my 5 years old son, Jean Elías, who are my most precious and wonderful treasures. I have the privilege of being a christian woman. Searching God´s guidance and will every day of my life is what keeps me on track and gives me confidence to face new challenges and experiences.
Since I was a child, I dreamt about becoming a teacher just like my mother and father . I obtained a Bachelors Degree in Early Childhood Eduaction and a Masters Degree in Educational Administration. During sixteen years, I had the wonderful opportunity to teach in the different Preschool grades (Nido, Maternal, Nursery, Prekinder and Kinder), as well as in First grade. This experience has helped me to accomplish my responsibilities as Preschool Principal. I can understand the different situations that teachers, students and parents of all Preschool grades confront, being able to provide them with a better support.
In my spare time I love reading, watching T.V., playing with my two children (specially card games such as BINGO, Monopoly, ONE) and having dinner with lots of friends. Two things I daydream about are teaching in a University and studying Family Therapy.
I believe that being a teacher is a lifestyle. It is a gift that comes from God and the ones that possess it need to administer it with responsibility, passion and love.

Professional Responsibilities:
I am the Preschool Principal at MCSchool, Dominican Republic. I have the great opportunity to accompany a wonderful group of 24 teachers in the journey of promoting and encouraging our preschoolers´growth and learning process.

Mano a Mano project I'm Working On:
My colleagues Francia Gómez and Esther Morales are working with me in the project titled: "Promoting the developemnt of priming skills needed for reading and writing in Nursery, Prekinder and Kinder". This project has the purpose of training teachers in knowing and identifying the priming skills that children need to develop, in order for them to learn how to read and write in a meaningful way, as well as implementing practices in the classroom that contribute with the development of those skills.