About (Esther Morales)

Contact Info:
School: MC School

Email: esthm@hotmail.com

About Me:

Hello, my name is Esther Morales, I was born and live in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic; 28 years old, married.

I lived in Belgium in the year 2000 for a year, as an exchange student (AFS). after this experience I earned a Bachelor's Degree in Educational Pshychology at Unibe University of Santo Domingo.

I went on 2005 to Madrid, Spain to made a Masters and Post-Graduate Degree in Pshychomotricity and Early Attention.

This is my seventh year in the Educational field. At this moment, I work in MC School as a kindergarten teacher. My goal is to create lifelong learners who acquire the skills, confidence and knowledge to live in a changing, multicultural society.

I love to spend time with my family and friends, travel over the world, watch movies and go to the beach.

I daydream about being able to have my own Children Center where I could offer Early Attention and pshychomotricity.

I like to have the oportunity to learn more about Early childhood.