I was born and spent the first ten years of my life in Lincoln, Nebraska. We then moved to Littleton, Colorado and this is really the place I call "home". Two years after graduating from the University of Northern Colorado with a B. S. in Human Services, I joined the Peace Corps and went to Guatemala for the first time. I spent three years there, working with women's groups in a variety of different projects. I met my husband during this time, who is from the town where I did my PC work. We married a couple years after I finished Peace Corps and our first daughter was born in Guatemala. Our family then moved back to Colorado and we lived there for the next thirteen years. During this time our second daughter was born and I began my formal teaching career. I went back to school and obtained a Master's degree in Bilingual/ESL/Multicultural Education from the University of Colorado at Boulder. At the time I also worked full time as a bilingual teacher in grades kindergarten and first grade. I was very lucky to have received excellent training while in Denver Public Schools, especially in the area of early literacy. My husband and I decided to give our daughters the opportunity to live in Guatemala, so that they could really get to know the other half of their heritage. We all moved back to Guate three years ago, when I was offered a position at Colegio Maya. My daughters and I now go to our wonderful school together and my husband is doing what he loves best, farming coffee. I am teaching kindergarten this year, after two years teaching first grade. I've been teaching for sixteen years in all and look forward to many more.